Webster, Peggy Lovell.

The Mytg of Racial Equality : A study of race and mortality in northeast Brazil. - Florida-U.S : C.L.A.S, 1987. - p. 1-10 : il. - Irregular - Vol. 22, no. 2 (May. 1987) - Latinamericanist ; no. 2 . - Univeristy of Florida. .

Contiene: Introduction; I. Perspectives on Race in Brazil: Racial Democracy, The Sô Paulo School; II. The Persistence of Racial Inequelity in Brazil: Methodology, Socioeconomic Profile by Color in Northeast Brazil: Table I. Selected Social Indicators by color, Northeast Brazil, 1980: Life Expectancy: Table II. Selected Social Indicators by Region, Place of Residence, Household Income and Color, 1980, Table III. Life expectancy at Birth by color, Brazil 1950, 1980: Education: Table IV. Life expectancy at Birth by color, Place of Residence, Education and Minimum wage Northeast Brazil 1980: Income: Table V. Life Expectancy at Birth by Housejold Income and Education, Brazil, 1980 III. Conclusions; 36th Annual Conference; American express and clas announce outreach 1992 conference; 1988 Conference; Florida-Brazil Institute; Amazon reserach and training news; Grinter galleries; University Galley; Outreach Activities; Colloquium Activities; Fiel researchs grants; Student association for Latin American Studies; Student conference on Latin America; Library Travel Grants; Visiting Faculty


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