Book and Articles. - Hawaii-U S : East-West Culture Learning Institute, 1978. - p. 2 - Irregular - Vol. 4 no. 4 (Nov. 1978) - Languaje Planning Newletter ; vol. 4 no. 4 . - Hawaii. East-West Culture Learning Institute. .

Contiene: Now Available: Kva er m†lreising? by Gustav Indrep›. Bergen: Norsk Bokreidingslag L/L, 1976. 220 pages; Now Availble: "Strumenti della didacttica del noe-aramaico press gli 'Assiri' di Persia" (Tools for the teaching of Neo-Aramanicamong the 'Assyrians' of Iran); Now Available: Metodika standartizacil sokra...cenij russkih slov i slovoscètanji; Now Available: Sprachenrecht, Sprachenpolitik, Sprachplanung I and II (Language Laws, Language Policy, Language Planning); Now Available: Annual Report 1977 of the Commissioner of Official Languages. Ottawa, Minister of Supply and Services, Canadá; Now Available: The European Community: A Language Planning Simulation by Roger T. Bell and students; Now Availble: Business and the Language Barriery Richard Simpkin and Rosemarie Jones, Business Books Limited, London, 1976 (10 pounds); Now Available: Language Services in Industry by lan F. Finlay, Crosby Lockwood, London, 1973 (3.50 pounds); Now Available: English in Fiji, some perspectives and the need of languages planning by Rodney F. Moag and Louisa B. Moag, Fiji English Teachers Journal , Vol. 13.
