Nolan, Karri Anne.

Socioeconomic problems of displaced peolple : The case of Nicaragua's miskito Indians. - Florida-U.S : C.L.A.S, 1986. - p. 1-10 : il. - Irregular - Vol. 21, no. 2 (May. 1986) - Latinamericanist ; no. 2 . - Univeristy of Florida. .

Contiene: Introduction; Historical background of the Atlantic Coast; Pre-Revolution Miskito Social Organization and Economy; The Traslado; Economic change; Economic change among the Miskito Population in Puerto Cabezas; Animals owned in Puerto Cabezas; New development; Conclusions; 35th Annual confernce on gender issues in Agriculture; Call for papers; Amazon research and training program; Student association for Latin American Studies; Outreach activities; Colloquium Activities; Field research grant; Library travel grants: Aymara Language Materials Program; Uf Gallery News; Visiting Faculty.
