Center News. - Florida-U.S : C.L.A.S, 1990. - p. 12-17 - Irregular - Vol. 26, no. 1 (Dec. 1990) - Latinamericanist ; no. 1 . - Univeristy of Florida. .

Contiene: Andean Crises to be focus of 40th Annual Clas Conference; Program in andean interdisciplinary studies (Pais) Announced; Two Major Grants to Support work in Brazil; Unica Meets at the Universtiy of Florida; New Program in innoluntary migration and resettlement; Florida/Brazil instiute begins fifth year; Outreach Program Activities; Exhibit and Publication Honor work of Charles Wagley; Tcd and pstc Announce Fellowships; Yucatan program this Summer features ecology and social science science science.
