Universal minority rights. - London - GB: Ao Akademi University Institute for Human Rights, 1995. - 385 páginas 25x17.5 centímetros

Part I
1. Patrick Thornberry - The un declaration on the rights of personas belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities: background, analysis, observations, and an update.
2. Gudmundur Alfredsson - Minority rights: a summary of existing practice.
3. Asbjorn Eide - Minority protection and world order: towards a framework for law and policy.
4. Arie Bloed - The osce and the issue on national minorities.
5. Eero J. Aarnio - Minority rights in the council of Europe: current developments.
6. Alan Phillips - Promoting and implementing the un declaration: an MRG perspective.
7. Report on a workshop on the United Nations declaration on the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, held in tuku/ Abo Finland, 7-8 may 1993.
Part II
1. Declaration on the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities.
2. Travaux préparatoires. Selected documents.
3. Resolutions.
4. The Vienna declaration and programme of action, 1993. Selected parts.
5. Possible ways and means of facilitating the peaceful and constructive solution of problems involving minorities. Report submitted by special rapporteur Asbjorn Eide. Addendum 4, Recomendations (E/CN.4/SUB.2/1993/34/ADD.4/11 1993).
6. Article 27 CCPR and the general comment of human rights committee.
7. Selected cases under article 27 CCPR.
8. Framework convention for the protectioj of national minorities, 1994.
9. Selected OSCE documents and provisions.
10. Select bibliography.
